A Time to Reflect
In the Philippines, the Holy Week culminates the solemn observance of Christians faith. Countless "Cenaculos" and "Pabasas" reciting and re-enacting the passion and death of Jesus Christ will again be traditionally observed. This rituals became one of the tourist attractions during the Lenten Season.
Last Sunday, April 1 marks the Palm Sunday. It signifies and highlights the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago. In Sto. Domingo church alone where I usually attends mass was full of vendors with their palm branches reaching people who will attend the mass.
Truly the world is turning so fast and here comes another year for us to reflect on what we have done so far. We, at the big city sometimes forgot about these festivities and usually go the beaches and relax. Yes, I have also been there few years back and I have experienced how the crowd enjoys the Boracay and Puerto Gallera's party even if its Good Friday. Commercialism has crept us the observance of Holy Week which may have been helped along by the lack of understanding of the Paschal mystery and our faith.
Are we still the Christians that our forefathers expect on us? Do we still live by our christian faith? Well, you have the answer.
I still don't have any religious plans this holy week because I will be going home to my hometown in Bicol to visit the destruction of our province brought by the recent typhoons and at the same time to be with my ailing father.Last year I've been able to join the "Visita Iglesia" in Quezon province. And I'm greatful for having through it as my way of penance. We have been to 15 churches and visited other religious place to relax and reflect. I have with me old folks who still can recite the "via crusis" in latin. Thru them I have realized that this ritual is a must for the younger generation because as the years pass, we never know who will lead the prayers for us when they are all gone. How can we teach our children with these prayers If we ourselves are not practicing it.
Truly, we have lots to repent this Holy Week. This is our time to engage in solemn prayers, reflections, fasting and other traditional ways of repenting and asking the Lord’s forgiveness for our sins. Repentance should be a humbling act for those who are willing to admit misdeeds. But for those who are unwilling, we will never see any sign of repentance.